New York Times bestselling author of How to Travel the World on $50 a Day, Kepnes knows what it feels like to get the travel bug. Wanderlust is a powerful thing. After quitting his 9-5 job more than ten years ago, he realized that living life meant more for him than simply meeting traditional milestones like buying a car, paying a mortgage, and moving up the career ladder. With almost nothing tangible to show for it after traveling over 500,000 miles and staying in 1,000 different hostels in 90 different countries, Matt has compiled his favorite stories and experiences in this travel manifesto to show a different side of life. Filled with the color and perspective that only hindsight and self-reflection can offer, these stories get to the real questions at the heart of wanderlust. Ten Years a Nomad is for travel junkies, the travel-curious, and anyone interested in what you can learn about the world when you don’t have a cable bill for a decade.