Age range 3 to 9
Tabitha is naughty. Tabitha is rude.
When a brand new hat catches Tabitha's eye (and the eye of a rival boy), it's not long
before Tabitha throws a temper tantrum and gets all the customers in the store involved.
Chaos and madness ensues and Tabitha soon learns that kindness and manners are a
much better way to behave.
We've all seen a bratty little "Temper Tabitha" having a tantrum in the shops before... and
rolled our eyes.
But what happens when adults behave like children too?
This cleverly written story by
rhyme & meter expert Jackie Hosking highlights one of the great misconceptions about
adults; Just because a person has grown up physically, it's presumed they've grown up
emotionally and mentally too. Observation of adult behaviour often proves this is not the