This book is the first of a series dedicated to Stylistic Studios which have produced so much creativity, applied to the market and used by countless firms. In this case this production of Arkivia Books is much in line with its name and intends to use the huge amount of matter created over the years so that creative people can have access and benefit from it. I expect that not all can be used either for copyright reasons or because some Studios may not wish to make public their archives, but our publishing house has taken on this mission and will start with this book. At the moment I cannot reveal the source, but this will be done when the whole book is published. This first title deals with the young and female target in a series of prints made in these last few years for important clothing firms: Teen Girl Graphics Vol.1 contains 200 designs among which are several textures combined with prints, labels or embroideries. The files have been developed in Corel Draw but in each case I have tried to translate the material into Illustrator since this is the software most used by creative graphics. I hope soon to also bring out a volume dedicated to children, again with the collaboration of this Stylistic Studio. AUTHOR Vincenzo Sguera, an Italian architect, has been working in the field of design, fashion, textiles and accessories, directing several creative studios and developing products for many companies at an international level since 1977. In 2003 he founded Arkivia Books and has since worked as an author and publisher. ILLUSTRATIONS 200 colour *