The Tao Te Ching offers insights into peace and joy grounded in the body, in the earth, and in the natural cycles of life. Considered the most important work of the Taoist philosophy, its messages trancend time, distance, and culture. And its appeal continues to be exciting and universal. In this new edition, Thomas H. Miles provides us with a much more accurate translation of the original work than has come before. In trying to mirror the original work, Miles brings us a more though-provoking Tao Te Ching, stripped of distorsions and inaccuracies. In translating the full tex t, Thomas Miles has not only researched the meanings of the ancient Chinese characters of the Tao, he has also e xamined the historical significance of the language used.
Here, then, in this new edition, is the original Tao Te Ching as it was read and understood in the beginning.