Something mysterious is at work. For thousands of years, Earth has been haunted by ghosts, menaced by vampires, disturbed by malevolent spirits, and graced by mystical powers. The desire to engage with the supernatural world lures many visitors to haunted castles, UFO hotspots, and sacred sites. In truth, we want to experience spine-tingling moments, feel the mystery, or find evidence of other worlds.
From the barren deserts of southern Peru to the lush valleys of central Europe, the supernatural forms part of the ancient myths and legends of every culture. The much-feared and popularized vampire is found not only in Romania, but also in other countries such as Scotland, Ghana, and the Philippines. Ghosts not only haunt ruined medieval European castles, but also lurk in American cemeteries, roam the Hex River Valley of South Africa, or inhabit deserted towns, battle sites, and islands. Legendary heroes are as numerous in Burma as they are in Greece, and mystical places can be as empowering as Ayers Rock in Australia or as baffling as Aramu Muru in southern Peru.
Supernatural Places is a comprehensive guide to exploring the Earth’s supernatural heritage and where to seek out a mystical, otherworldly experiences.
I had a blast reading about UfOs,Cults,Vampires and more! Great quick bites of info on all kinds of supernatural topics from all around the world.Great gift idea for that horror,Sci Fi loving friend or family member. - Sam (QBD)
Guest, 08/03/2017