In this century-spanning tale, witness the evil that brings the Batman and Superman together as a team. From their first meeting to their confrontations with the Joker, Lex Luthor, and Mr. Mxyzptlk, their personal relationship continually evolves from best friends to bitter partners and finally respected peers. Then, in the sequel to GENERATIONS, imagine if Superman and Batman aged normally from their debuts in 1938 and 1939! How would their legacies be passed on to future generations of heroes? This title is written and illustrated by legendary comics artist John Byrne (X-Men) and includes appearances by Wonder Woman, Flash, Green Lantern, the JSA, the Spectre, Batgirl, Blackhawk, Deadman, Cyborg, and more.a Collects SUPERMAN AND BATMAN- GENERATIONS #1-4 and SUPERMAN AND BATMAN- GENERATIONS II #1-4