Stories should be part of everyone's childhood. This book explains why stories and storytelling are so vital, and highlights the importance of the role of dads in particular. It explores the varied challenges dads can face with storytelling and offers tips and guidance on how to be a storydad - including a collection of different kinds of tales and story-making techniques. The book is beautifully illustrated by images that bring the stories to life. AUTHOR: Tim Porteus is a columnist, storyteller, writer and Dads Co-Ordinator for Midlothian Sure Start. He has used storytelling with dads for a number of years, creating events, resources and workshops to encourage and inspire. He is a member of Fathers Network Scotland, and is well known both as a storyteller and advocate of the importance of storytelling by dads. Tim has developed a Storydads programme, and worked with Bookbug to include more dads/males. He is the author of East Lothian Folk Tales for Children. Full of inspiration and practical advice, this is a must-read for dads everywhere.