Sir Isaac Newton is, without a doubt, one of the few ‘Scientists Who Changed the World’. His work created the foundations for modern science and furthered our understanding of how the universe works. He discovered gravity, a force that affects every physical object on Earth. He invented calculus; a type of maths taught in schools across the globe. He defined the three Laws of Motion that form the basis of modern physics. He also very nearly became a sheep farmer.
Find out how Newton went from a village boy to president of the Royal Society and one of the greatest thinkers since Galileo with this captivating biography of his life. With colourful illustrations, varied page layouts and quirky design, this book will enthral any child with an interest in space and physics, and may even inspire this interest in those who haven’t yet come to appreciate the wonders of the universe.
Learn how Newton came up with his various discoveries, and about the success and legacy of his later life. Read accounts of his quarrels with other leading scientists of the time. Ultimately, find out what the life and work of this pioneering scientist can tell us about life and society, and how he has changed our understanding of the world around us forever!