In today’s fast paced modern world, women everywhere are attempting to successfully juggle their careers, home lives
and relationships, as well as trying to find enough time just for themselves.
Containing over 150 interviews with women in all situations and from all walks of life—from everyday single mums to high profile celebrities such as Antonia Kidman and Athena Starwoman—Secret Women’s Business is an omnibus of indispensable advice on all aspects of getting it all and keeping it all. From the dating game to the mating game—even to the hating game of divorce and picking yourself back up off the floor—Secret Women’s Business covers every base and provides the sort of advice that your grandmother would be proud of, and Patsy’s even included interviews with scores of vintage women to prove it!
Any woman who wants to get it right when it comes to meeting Mr Right, setting themselves on the right career path to success, becoming a right vixen in the bedroom, or simply righting the wrongs in their unbalanced lives will find this book invaluable.