183 x 226 x 13mm
The New York Times has said that "Graham's poetry is among the most sensuously embodied and imaginative writing we have�" and this marvelous new collection is a perfect example of how startling� original� and deeply relevant her poetry can be. In SEA CHANGE� Graham imagines the once-unimaginable: the end of civilization as we know it. In poems that address a fictional future society� Graham presents a vision� in hindsight� of what our culture and world had been� what we had taken for granted-seasons� rain� birds� democracy� arable land� human intimacy� a hot day that generates no unease.
There is no better writer to speak to this crucial subject than "our most formidable nature poet" (Publishers Weekly)� and no more stirring and emotional expression of the beauty of the world that we've endangered than this extraordinary new work. As formally gorgeous as anything Graham has written� SEA CHANGE is more than just another poetry collection-it is an essential voice crying out in defense of our planet and the world we have known.