A simple, quick-start, evidence-based guide for finding wellbeing that will work for you.
You can t help others if you don t help yourself. To function as our best selves, we need to make space for our own wellbeing.
Resilience Recipes is for real people facing real-time challenges every day. If you are feeling overworked and overwhelmed, this book will teach you the strategies to manage stress, find more balance in your life and bounce back.
Starting with a wellbeing self-assessment test, readers remind themselves about what is important to them, before they can dive into the resilience recipes that will improve their wellbeing. The chapters that follow focus on rebuilding emotional resilience, practising mindfulness to increase mental adaptability and finish with strategies to re-energise and remain stronger going forward.
The reality is that wellbeing isn t a nice-to-have it is necessary. It is necessary for our health, energy, connection, creativity, relationships, performance the list goes on.
Fleur Heazlewood is a resilience expert who has trained and mentored over 1000 people in positive leadership, mental health mastery and future-fit resilience building. Sharing her proven strategies to help you take back control and make choices that are healthy and helpful, Resilience Recipes is your simple, quick-start, guide to wellbeing that will work for you.