Beginner - Advanced Level Users.
- Get step-by-step instructions for making Linux installation simple and painless
- Familiarise yourself with the Linux shell, file system and text editor
- Use the XWindow System to customise your desktop menus, icons, window manager and xterm
- Create and publish formatted documents with Linux applications
- Get step-by-step instructions for making Linux installation simple and painless
- Gain key system administration skills including setting up users, automating system tasks, backing up and restoring files, and understanding the latest security issues and threats.
This book also includes updated installation procedures, new KDE desktop tools, how to use the Mozilla web browser and gain instant messaging, how to administer automounting file systems, how to burn CDs and configure CD writers.
The book is accompanied by the 'Unlimited Edition' website. Only original buyers of the book will have access through special codes to the site, and can then be privy to new chapters monthly, updates on the state of the software and Linux-related articles.