* While there is a great demand for information on VB refactoring, there are no other books available that actually explain refactoring, the proven technique that allows programmers to be more efficient and productive; to respond to change; and to improve the design of existing code, making it simpler, easier to modify, and more understandable
* This book fills that void on the bookshelf and addresses refactoring techniques, unit testing, refactoring to patterns, and how to use refactoring to upgrade legacy VB code
* Uses real-world scenarios as examples throughout that are the result of company expansion, change of policy, or similar business decisions, and walks readers step by step through refactoring them into properly designed, enterprise level applications while explaining different refactoring transformations
* Contains formal definitions of refactoring techniques, and covers assembling a refactoring toolkit, error handling, extracting domain classes, refactoring legacy VB code, and much more