This book is a quintessential addition to any SharePoint developer's bookcase. It outlines all of the steps and considerations a developer should understand in order to design better looking and more successful SharePoint implementations. The book starts with a default installation and takes the reader through the process of branding that installation to look less like a SharePoint portal and more like a standard web application. It includes the technical aspects of creating usable, accessible, aesthetically pleasing SharePoint interfaces. The book focuses primarily on using the tools in SharePoint (and basic design tools) to create a better looking and more effective installation. Specifically, these topics will be covered:
* How to use PhotoShop to design the graphics and template model for your site.
* What goes into your minimal Master Page (and how to style it with CSS).
* How to integrate SharePoint Themes into your project.
* How to best use navigation features.
* What are the CSS Friendly Control Adapters and how well do they integrate with SharePoint?
* What is the Accessibility Toolkit for SharePoint and how do you use it?