What does a diagnosis of PCOS really mean? Dr John Eden, women's health and hormone expert, identifies the causes, dispels the myths, and explains how to manage this silent epidemic.
Up to one in every four women has polycystic ovaries. Of these women, seven out of 100 suffer the effects of Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS). Symptoms include acne, excess hair, weight problems, irregular menstruation, infertility and even diabetes. Yet this common hormonal condition often goes undiagnosed.
At last, there is a book that dispels the myths and answers all your questions about how to identify and treat the symptoms of PCOS.
In this easy to understand, comprehensive guide, Dr John Eden offers the latest advice about managing PCOS. His expertise in this area will give you the confidence and knowledge to ask your doctor the right questions and make informed choices.