An official Pok�mon crochet kit! Make your own adorable Pok�mon characters, with simple crochet patterns and step-by-step photos, plus all the materials you need to make Snorlax. Crochet your own Snorlax and five other Pok�mon! With clear, easy to follow, step-by-step instructions, this kit gives you not just the information that you need to make your very own Snorlax amigurumi-Japanese stuffed toy-but also all the yarns and materials. It will take anyone-even a beginner-through the process right from the first steps, all the way through to stuffing and assembly. When you've finished, you'll have your very own Snorlax. That's not all! In addition, the accompanying book contains the details you'll need to crochet five other popular Pok�mon amigurumi: Pikachu, Jigglypuff, Vulpix, Eevee and Psyduck. When you've finished, you'll have your very own set of lovable Pok�mon plushies. But beware! Making these plushies is so much fun-the more you make, the more you'll want. And so will everyone else who sees them! Crochet fans will love making these plushies-for themselves, for kids, and for gifting. Every Pok�mon fan will want their own figures, and every crafter will be begged to make them by everyone who sees them. The box contains: . 48-page book containing patterns to create Snorlax and five companions . crochet hook . yarns of the correct colors to create Snorlax . stuffing . felt for detailing . glue . sewing needle Author Sabrina Somers has been a Pok�mon fan since she was nine, and an amigurumi aficionado since 2014 when she first picked up the crochet hooks. She combines both passions to perfection in this box that combines instruction with invention. Officially licensed by The Pok�mon Company International. � 2024 Pok�mon / Nintendo / Creatures / GAME FREAK. SELLING POINTS: . An official Pok�mon licensed crochet kit for popular character Snorlax . Interest in Pok�mon remains high . Features 6 classic characters that are the best loved among Pok�mon fans, plus the materials to make Snorlax.