Want to wish someone a happy f*cking New Year? Or perhaps you want to tell a Facebook friend that no one cares about her a**hole cat? Now you can express your irreverent sentiments with beautiful calligraphy and hand-lettering!
Send an artfully lettered note telling your boss to f*ck off, your company that a meeting is bullsh*t, and more. With a crash course in learning calligraphy and hand-lettering, you'll also get a chapter on cringe-worthy words like 'moist' and 'dingleberry,' along with more than 25 gorgeous hand-lettered signs that you can hang anywhere including favourites like 'Monday is a D*ck,' 'Your Spirit Animal is an A**hole,' and more.
Just because it's profanity doesn't mean it can't be beautiful!
Tell the sh*tty person in your life how you really feel with delicate swirls and hand-drawn letters in Your Spirit Animal Is an Asshole!