Wallace is full of passion. he is angry at the changing world around him. He is angry at the Bar, with its charter marks and political correctness, the Crown Prosecution Service for its gross incompetence and at the people running his chambers for their lack of loyalty to their clerk who had set up the chambers and helped make them well paid lawyers. He is full of love for his wife , their family and their bohemian home. He is also in love with Pauline, a solicitor's runner. The more frustrated he becomes with the world around him the more besotted he becomes with Pauline. His work, his family and his sense of right and wrong all take second place to his passion for Pauline. The law courts give way to love in the afternoon. When Pauline cools, Wallace overheats and his life ends in turmoil. Like his clients, he is forced to plead guilty to letting his life spiral out of control.