In this charming sequel to the enormously successful 'Cloudy With A Chance Of Meatballs', Kate and Henry eagerly await Grandpa's return from a long and most unusual vacation. His postcard piques Kate's interest, and as she dreams that night, she imagines an excursion of her own to the land of Chewandswallow. . . .
With Henry as her co-pilot, Kate surveys the lay of the land, which is filled with absolutely giant food! It falls from the sky, it comprises jungles and mountains, and the people of Chewandswallow have worked a most magical trick-they have figured out a way to get all this food to the people who need it most around the globe, overcoming poverty and drought.
This understated message about generosity and world community emerges from a book full of Ron Barrett's wonderful artwork, depicting giant vegetables, bagels and hamburgers, puddles of orange juice and pickles being airlifted by helicopter.