In this humorous book, a tie-in with NBC's hit show Parks and Recreation, the show's main character, Leslie Knope (played by Amy Poehler) takes readers on a historical tour of the town of Pawnee, IN, where the show is set.
Each chapter will focus on a different aspect of the town and its history, its significance in the great state of Indiana, and its impact on the world at large. There have been a number of hilarious incidents affecting the town that they have hinted at on the show such as the time the whole town was on fire, or the long list of ridiculous town slogans, and the ongoing raccoon infestation, and the writers have a treasure trove of details that have not yet made their way onto the show.
Readers will also get a glimpse into the hopping nightlife and the local music scene. Photographs and illustrations will appear throughout the book and other characters will weigh in with chapters and sidebars.