188 x 232 x 16mm
In a world of screens and eBooks, there is something beautifully tangible and tactile about taking a piece of paper and cutting into it with a pair of scissors. With just a few folds and snips, an old shopping list can be transformed into a fluttering butterfly or a shooting star. Let your imagination run wild and bring fairy tales to life as you turn old books into hot air balloons and angels, or give new life to yesterday's newspaper as a garland of pretty hearts.
Twins Simone and Helene have been papercutting for years, and between them have created a whole world of whimsical designs. In this delightful book, they share this magical skill with you - and the best part is, it's simple, creative and practically free. All you need is a pair of scissors and some scrap paper - no scalpel, no cutting mat, no complicated templates. Their mindful approach embraces imperfection and opens up your creativity, helping you develop your own designs and ideas. Whether you want to cut a bouquet of flowers from old shopping receipts or transform discarded wrapping paper into Christmas decorations, this book is sure to delight and inspire.