Painting With Light is a unique form of art using light as the medium, which was invented and developed by the authors of the book. Unlike other types of light painting, Light Art Performance Photography (LAPP) doesn't just illuminate existing objects but also creates its own subjects - constructed entirely of light and captured photographically. LAPP pieces are usually shot at night using long exposure times and require the photographer to capture complex sequences of precisely choreographed movements. In addition to the shapes and colours produced by manipulating light, the immediate surroundings are essential to every LAPP piece and play a primary role in creating the atmosphere of each scene. The defining characteristic of LAPP is the harmony between the background and the harsh light often used to produce the individual image elements. The symbiosis between photographer and performer gives each work a degree of reproducibility that is essential if it is to be accurately restaged at a later time. LAPP is one of the first forms of light art to gain widespread attention, and uses real-world surroundings combined with transient, light-based elements to produce its unique effects and microenvironments.