209 x 293 x 12mm
Please note this book is suitable for any student studying: Exam board: AQA Level: GCSE (9-1) Subject: Chemistry First teaching: September 2016 First exams: June 2018 When it comes to revision, current research recommends three key steps. Step1: knowledge organisers do exactly that - organise key knowledge in a way that makes it easy to remember and make connections between ideas. Step 2: Retrieval - testing yourself regularly to check how much you can retrieve and
answer confidently. Step 3: Lots of practice - answering exam style questions helps with exam timings as well as honing responses and becoming familiar with the exams. Each topic within this guide to
AQA GCSE Chemistry follows these three steps to help all students prepare thoroughly and effectively for their GCSE exams. oxfordrevise.com/scienceanswers. The NEW Oxford Revise app helps students master the knowledge and skills essential for GCSE success that can be used for all year-round revision. Sign-up and try for free at oxfordrevise.com