Native orchids have grown freely on roadside trees in Singapore for centuries and the Singapore Botanic Gardens has cultivated many beautiful hybrids. Dr. Teoh Eng Soon, a former President of the Orchid Society of Southeast Asia and editor of the Malayan Orchid Review, turns his expert eye on the many attractive orchids found in the garden city. In this book, Dr. Teoh provides a brief history of orchid cultivation in Singapore alongside information on the different species that grow here. Featured are over 200 stunning photographs of beautiful blooms that have caught his eye during his visits to numerous gardens and shows.
* Interesting photos that show orchids at different times of the day
* Images captured over a period of 20 years shows variety in species and context.
* Provides a brief introduction on the various species which grow here followed by images of the blooms
* Includes chapters on medicinal use of orchids, fragrance of orchids as well as growing orchids in a cool house.