In the collection Normandie 1944, and Sword, Objectif Caen, both 80-page paperbacks chronicling the respective histories, comes Objectif Carentan. After the success of the aerial operation on the Cotentin peninsula, and the successful landings on Utah and Omaha Beaches, the American paratroopers of the 101th (made famous by the television series Band of Brothers) charge forth toward the town of Carentan, held by the German von der Heydte's paratroopers. Through a massive assault, the men of the 101th take several bridges and gain control of Carentan between June 10-11; the junction between the two American bridgeheads is thus established. However, the small town is still threatened on June 12 by a counterattack from the Götz panzer unit. French Text SELLING POINTS: Detailed narrative history of the charge by American paratroopers on the German paratroopers in Carentan, 1944 ILLUSTRATIONS: Illustrated throughout