Harry S Dent Jr., best-selling author of 'The Great Boom Ahead' and 'The Roaring 2000s', has accurately predicted the financial future for over fifteen years. At the same time that he forecasted the DOW hitting 10,000, however, he also warned of a not so banner time: the current recession in the US.
Part crystal ball and part financial planner, 'The Next Great Bubble Boom' gives a comprehensive forecast for the next two decades, showing new models for predicting the economy, inflation, large cap stocks, small cap stocks, bonds, key sectors, critical cycles and turning points. Dent advises on everything from investment strategies to real estate cycles, and shows not only how bright our future will be, but how best to profit it from it. Dent has made a name for himself in his ability to track our financial future.
In 'The Next Great Bubble Boom', he takes that ability one step further to show not only what our economy will look like, but how it will affect us as individuals, as communities, and as a culture and how we can best profit from it.