The Changing Face of Australia's Media and Communications
What is really happening in communications today?
The Internet has emerged out of nowhere, television channels and newspapers struggle to get our attention, Telstra has become the star of the stock market and digital TV is on the horizon. Almost every aspect of our lives has been infiltrated by communications.
'' offers a rare understanding of the big picture. Australia's media, information technology and telecommunications are in a state of unprecedented change. Established players and industries have re-invented themselves and new power brokers have appeared from unexpected quarters. Yet what is driving these changes? Whose interests are served? And who benefits?
Trevor Barr explores the radical shifts in contemporary communications: the convergence of "old media" with "new media", the role of communications in globalisation, and the social dilemmas associated with new communications technology. He argues that it is vital we prepare for a future, individually and collectively, within this new international communications order.