'Net Force Explorers' is a brilliant high-tech adventure series created by Tom Clancy and Steve Pieczenik.
In the year 2025 the Internet practically runs the world, and its virtual reality webwork has to be policed by Net Force to prevent computer-terrorists from sabotaging it. But sometimes they need help. Which is where the Net Force Explorers come in, the young people's auxiliary for computer whiz-kids who have made it through a tough training programme.
Explorers Leif Anderson and Matt Hunter win the right to compete in a virtual rocket design and space race contest sponsored by the most popular space-based holodrama on the entertainment nets. The prize is cool computer software and the chance to appear on the holodrama. But some of the contestants are taking the competition a little too seriously, and Leif and Matt end up lost in a deadly maze of dirty tricks and international espionage, their very lives at stake.