Welcome to 2010, the Year of the Suave Individualist. As a grand old era ebbs away and a new age dawns, it's time to transcend faux lifestyles and relationships to daringly create your own realm. The trick this year will be to discover who you are and be utterly that.
Figure it all out without losing your nerve or sense of humour with Mystic Medusa's Astroscape. As ever, you'll find all kinds of fascinating yet totally useful info about everything from seduction to true love, flatting to finances, vocational reality, personal development and when best to time your chic physique jags.
With month-by-month guides, Mercury and Venus in retrograde dates, and a Moon Mastery Planning Calendar, Mystic Medusa's Astroscape is packed full of celestial yet ever-practical insights to make 2010 spectacular in every way.