While most dog books are written for adults or are oversimplified for children, My Dog! is written with the entire family in mind. Through clear, concise instructions, kid-friendly language, and with the help of a "K-9 Coach," this go-to guide covers everything families need to know about pre-pet prep, training, grooming, health-care, fun and games, and pampering their new dog. Rosen teaches using only the best reward-incentive methods, which helps readersunderstand their dog's instincts and needs, ultimately creating a problem prevention approach. Includes training tips, a guide to pure-bred, hybrid, and mixed-breed dogs (including gorgeous full-colour photographs), helpful illustrations of training methods, and plenty of extras, including homemade toys and tasty recipes for which any dog would gladly roll over. With tabbed chapter for easy reference, and a pull-out dry erase training chart, this book makes welcoming a dog into your pack simpler and easier than ever. It is the all inclusive, essential family guide.