David Marr is the rarest of breeds- one of Australia's most unflinching, forensic reporters of political controversy, and one of its most subtle and eloquent biographers. In Marr's hands, those things we call reportage and commentary are elevated to the most artful and illuminating chronicles of our time.
Published as a handsome hardback, My Country is the definitive David Marr collection. It includes early works, such as his review of the first Rocky Horror Picture Show and his reporting on the 1978 Mardi Gras police bashings, all the way to the most piercing accounts of Kevin Rudd's ratf-king and Tony Abbott's punch. Along the way there is Patrick White, Garfield Barwick, asylum seekers, the Henson case, Pauline Hanson, Cardinal Pell and more
My Country anthologises Marr's powerful reflections on religion, sex, censorship and the law; striking accounts of leaders, moralists and scandalmongers; elegant ruminations on the arts and the lives of artists. And there are some memorable new pieces, including the remarkable story of David Marr's wedding day.