This book was designed in mind after Ash Mair became the 2011 winner of the successful UK show "MasterChef". The recipe content of the book will continue along the theme of Ash's time on "Professional MasterChef" which was Spanish/Basque influenced dishes put together with mostly easy to get ingredients.
Most dishes will have a connection to traditional Spanish and Basque cuisine but in most cases will have a modern touch, be of a "lighter" style and be made with ingredients of a more obtainable nature. All the techniques included will be aimed at the home cook and no specialised kitchen equipment will be needed to produce any of the recipes.
The book contains recipes for 80-90 dishes. There will also be a number of recipes in the region of 20-30 in a "sauces and basics" chapter, which will include items such as stocks, purees and foundation components that are used in multiple dishes.