The author says it best, "I hope to move you, a little at a time, from understanding C to the point where C++ becomes your mindset."
This remarkable book is designed to streamline the process of learning C++ in a way that discusses programming problems, why they exist, and the approach C++ has taken to solve such problems.
"You can't just look at C++ as a collection of features; some of the features make no sense in isolation. You can only use the sum of the parts if you are thinking about design, not simply coding. To understand C++, you must understand the problems with C and with programming in general.
This book discusses programming problems, why they are problems, and the approach C++ has taken to solve such problems. Thus, the set of features that I explain in each chapter will be based on the way that I see a particular type of problem being solved in C++"
The book presents the material one simple step at a time, so the reader can easily digest each concept before moving on. It uses examples that are as simple and as short as possible. This book does not to use any particular vendor's version of C++ because, for learning the language, the details of a particular implementation are not as important as the language itself. The book is loaded with exercises which are useful to complete one's understanding and honing programming skills, so you'll find a set of review exercises at the end of each chapter for cross reference purposes. Good coding style and programming guidelines have been provided as two separate appendices to aid in writing excellent and bug-free programs.