What is your subconscious trying to tell you if you dream of dragons? Why is the number four a sign of good luck in some cultures and bad lkuck in others?
In 'The Modern Witch's Book of Symbols' you will discover the answers to these and millions of other of other questions. Fosucing on the importance of symbols in our lives it provides a comprehensive guide to the occult ranging from alchemy, ancient animal drawings and the number seven, to unicorns, vishnu and the colour yellow. Alphabetically listed and illustrated throughout, this covers a broad range of topics culled from antique and modern sources, detailing the profound (the association of mistletoe with the immortal human soul) to the everyday (in English alehouses, the presence of a goose could influence how a gambler placed a bet). This is a vital reference book for the budding modern witch as well as trivia buffs and general readers.