Orphaned when their spy parents were killed during an operation, Tom and Zilla are normally cooped up at boarding school. But when the only way to get at a target is by using a child, MI5 bring them in to help. Mission Alert tells the story of some of their adventures; the brother and sister spy duo must dig deep to survive!..Bloomsbury High Low books encourage and support reading practice by providing gripping, age-appropriate stories for struggling and reluctant readers, those with dyslexia, or those with English as an additional language. Printed on tinted paper and with a dyslexia friendly font, Mission Alert is aimed at readers aged 9+ and has a manageable length (64 pages) and reading age (7+). This collection of stories can be read in any order...Produced in association with reading experts at CatchUp, a charity which aims to address underachievement caused by literacy and numeracy difficulties.