In the game of second chances, can they follow the rules?
When Ellis Ainsley runs into her ex, Liam Ruinsky, ten years after they split, she remembers why she fell for him all those years ago. A tall, strong, charming ice hockey player - he really was a dream man. But their lifestyles are now worlds apart, and surely wouldn't work in reality. But the temptation is too much, and they agree to one last night together.
They thought nothing could go wrong. That was, until Ellis saw the postitive result on the pregnancy test.
Already a chronically ill woman struggling to juggle her health and career, Ellis needs to figure out how to tell her NHL-playing ex-boyfriend he is going to be a dad. And despite their decision to coparent, their chemistry is still undeniable.
With turbulent families, over-bearing coaches, and the media wanting a slice of Liam's life: Will he be able to step up? Most of all: will they risk falling in love for a second time?
A new spicy sporting romance for 2025, brimming with tension and lust, that fans of Icebreaker by Hannah Grace and The Love Hypothesis will adore.