The second installment in an imaginative trilogy follows May Bird on her journey through the ghastly Ever After and toward home...
While most of her classmates were spending their summer vacation going to birthday parties, May Bird found a mysterious lake hidden among the trees -- and stumbled into the land of ghosts. A fearful and fantastic realm located among the stars, the Ever After is full of phantoms, ghouls and goblins, and all manner of other things that go bump in the night. And if May is to find her way out again, she must reach the mysterious Lady of the North Farm.
With her courageous (yet melancholy) kitty by her side and a ragtag group of spectral friends she's picked up along the way, May is determined to go home. But with all the danger she's picked up along the way, May is determined to get home. But with all the dangers she and her friends must face -- and all the evil -- there's no telling who will make it through... and who will be left behind.