All Level Users.
Includes CD-ROM.
Fully revised, this is your one-stop authority for Release 14 of AutoCAD. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced user, this tutorial and stand-alone reference book delivers everything you need: from instructions on getting started to detailed explanations of AutoCAD's most advanced features.
Inside, you'll find thorough coverage of AutoCAD'; standard features, and detailed attention to the many new features that will dramatically improve the work you do with AutoCAD, including improved raster image handling, ActiveX automation, Web connectivity, improved layer management tools, and much more.
Master AutoCAD 14:
- Construct your drawing
- Use Grid and Snap modes
- Organise with Blocks and Layers
- Create and use templates
- Use hatch patterns and external references
- Add and format text and text objects
- Create 3D drawings, surfaces, and solid forms
- And learn much, much more
The enclosed CD contains compete electronic versions of two valuable books: 'AutoCAD 14 Instant Reference' and 'The ABCs Of AutoLISP' plus a number of AutoCAD utilities and sample drawing files from the exercises in the book.