Mark Webber is one of the unsung international stars of
Australian sport. To get to the very top level of world
motorsport without family wealth or substantial corporate
support or contacts is a massive achievement. To get
there was one thing, to make his mark on Formula 1 has
been another. Mark is an individual who remains
completely grounded, and a typical Aussie, despite the
rarified air and occasionally bizarre bubble that F1
drivers live in. John Morris is an unashamed Mark Webber
fan and has been on hand for nearly every race Mark has
contested in Australia, both in his early Pre-F1 Career
here and, of course, each of the Australian F1 Grand Prix
that Mark has contested since his sensational debut in
2002. This is john's tribute to a greatly admired
Australian sportsman. He captures the colour and essence
of a young man on the way up.and in a hurry.