Ready Reference, Log, Diary for Australia and New Zealand.
Whether you're a new-comer to boating or a professional sea captain, you'll find 'Mariners' Diary' an invaluable resource. This concise but comprehensive ready reference book will save you hours searching through brochures, books and schedules for essential information.
Complete with a twelve-month diary that doubles as a ship's log, 'Mariners' Diary' is practical for your home, office or that other office - your boat. It features:
- Up-to-date, concise and comprehensive information for all mariners
- The first inclusive ready reference book combining a 12-month dairy and/or ship's log
- Compiled specifically for use in Australian and New Zealand waters
- Simple to understand with hundreds of colourful, easy-to-follow illustrations and photographs rather than wordy descriptions
- Essential information on navigation, seamanship, weather, safety, maintenance, first aid and communications
- An efficient memory-jogger for all that stuff you're supposed to know
- Complete list of marine frequencies and their uses (including Radphone)
- The most comprehensive list of boating weather sourcing information ever published for Australasia
- Satellite communications technology
- Up-dated yearly to keep you abreast of new developments and regulations
- Loads of handy hints