Most investors get something wrong when buying a property, and when you look at why, 99% of the time it’s because they did not follow every one of the seven steps in this book. If you follow these seven steps, for every property purchase, you can save yourself time and money, dramatically reduce risk, improve potential, and almost certainly eliminate stress, frustration and fear from the experience. If you follow these seven steps, for every property purchase, you can save yourself time and money, dramatically reduce risk, improve potential, and almost certainly eliminate stress, frustration and fear from the experience. If you follow these seven steps, for every property purchase, you can save yourself time and money, dramatically reduce risk, improve potential, and almost certainly eliminate stress, frustration and fear from the experience. There are also ‘MUST’ follow rules scattered throughout this book. What you gain will be similar to you being mentored through the process of not only knowing what to do when thinking about buying an investment property, but why you should do it. Every successful investor assesses their situation and what they want to achieve. They establish a plan and they follow it, taking action to implement the plan. They undertake the required research and put in place appropriate finance strategies. They build a team around them to help them each step of the way toward their future income goals for retirement or an earlier retirement and/or to give them more options later in life, freeing up time being the main one.
Every successful investor assesses their situation and what they want to achieve. They establish a plan and they follow it, taking action to implement the plan. They undertake the required research and put in place appropriate finance strategies. They build a team around them to help them each step of the way toward their future income goals for retirement or an earlier retirement and/or to give them more options later in life, freeing up time being the main one.
The steps in this book should function together, and many parts of each step (chapter) can be used/implemented simultaneously.