This book began with the author’s husband pledging to find new ways to say “good morning, beautiful” every day for a year. Bestselling author Robyn Spizman already knew how a few words could change the day of the recipient — and the deliverer. She had become a beloved TV persona talking about the little ways — from eye contact to compliments — that small (or large) acts of generosity could change giver and recipient alike. But her husband’s action set her to thinking about how meaningful a simple, heartfelt word or gesture can be. From giving a grocery store clerk an eye-contact thank you to reminding fighting siblings how much they actually mean to one another, or sending a coworker a high-five email, each action Spizman explores reminds readers how powerful our every thought, word, and action can be. When we show others that we see and appreciate them, we inspire a better version of ourselves. She shows how while brightening the lives of our friends, family, and individuals we meet along the way, our own lives grow and benefit. Sections explore the latest findings on positive psychology and serial optimism; proven ways to work with family, friends, and co-workers; and how out-loud loving is, perhaps the best possible kind of love.