With searing vision, award-winning Dan Simmons examines the dark, exquisite conjunction of love and death in five novellas of intense power and imagination.
'Entrophy's Bed at Midnight'
Winner of a Locus Award for Best Novella - explores the role that accident plays in death, love, pain and laughter.
'Dying in Bangkok'
A shocking and provocative comment on the horror of AIDS, that pairing of love and death that has transformed our world.
'Sleeping with Teeth Women'
A celebration of the richness of Native American lore, narrates the epic tale of Hoka Ushte, a seventeen-year-old Sioux warrior given the awesome responsibility of becoming the saviour of his people.
This novella explores the point where the ability to recapture the past - and those lost to us in the past - becomes a sickness rather than a source of solace. If a simple drug would allow you to re-live segments of your life, would you take it?
'The Great Lover' takes us into the terrible crucible of the First World War in an attempt to understand how the mind and heart of a sensitive poet could have survived such horrors.