Once upon a time, in a magic kingdom, there lived a handsome prince. Prince Charming, he was called by one and all. And to this land came a gentle pricess. You could say she was Cinderella.
Magic kingdom? Okay, if you're going to be a stickler for accuracy, in this fairy tale the kingdom is Manhattan. But there's magic in the Big Apple, isn't there?
Prince Charming? Oh, boy! You've heared the rumors, I suppose. So, he's Prince Not-So-Charming on occasion. So he drives an orange pick-up truck, not so pumpkin coach. Big deal! He is handsome.
A gentle princess? Picky, picky, picky! Who says a woman has to be soft and fluffy all the time? Haven't you ever heard the case of PMS?
Cinderella? Well, maybe she does wear blue suede shoes instead of glass slippers, but she's looking for happily-ever-after just the same. And I'm going to make sure she gets her prince and her castle, not some hound dog and the Heartbreak Hotel.