With intricate, colorful, Japanese-anime-style art by Kagaya Yutaka and Takaki, these Love sLight Cards by Doreen Virtue offer beautifully supportive messages and scripture to help open your heart to your natural spiritual gifts. These cards were created to serve as reminders that God's Kingdom of love and light is ever present, and Heaven is available to us on Earth. The energy of the Holy Spirit is the teacher that God created to guide us so that we can show up as beacons of light and love in the world.
Each of the 44 cards features a beautiful image, devotional topic, and relevant scriptural passage. The guidebook features devotionals to expand on each card, for prayerful and meditative contemplation. You can pull a card to give you spiritual strength for your day, to gain insight into your questions, or to receive a deeper understanding of God's loving messages for you.