Cornwall through Magic Lantern Slides is a quality book of 287 superb professional photographs of bygone Cornwall from the later years of Queen Victoria and through the reign of Edward VII. The book transports the reader back to the nostalgic, but hard times of our forefathers. The original photographs are all positives printed on glass of subjects varying from men at work underground in the Cornish mines to chocolate box views of Cornish harbours. Many images will have been made available commercially at the time of production whilst others are taken by private individuals for lectures at their local social evenings. Photographs of Rocks or cliffs at the time would have looked dramatic to the photographer, but to the present day viewer they may seem less interesting, so these are generally not included unless something else of interest is happening in the scene. The reader will find the variety of the subjects both fascinating and of great social interest. Logistic difficulties of the cumbersome, and technically difficult equipment is discussed. This is a book for anyone interested in Magic Lantern slides or the photographic, social and topographical history of Cornwall.