Tom Knisely gives an overview of different floor loom types, how they function, and how to keep them in best working condition.|Tom Knisely has maintained and woven with hundreds of looms in more than three decades of teaching at The Mannings Handweaving School in rural Pennsylvania. In this video, filmed on location, Tom explains how to get the most from your loom:
The features, advantages, and quirks of numerous types of jack, countermarch, counterbalance, and table looms
How to read all kinds of drafts and tie-ups correctly for your loom
The tools that every weaver should have
Easy steps to keep your loom and other weaving tools in top working order
Dozens of tips for trouble-free weaving
From the beams to the bench, from tie-on to tie-up and sheds to shuttles, Tom shows how to prepare yourself and your loom for a satisfying, successful weaving experience.