247 x 336 x 24mm
Photography by Fernando Moleres.
This collection of photographs by one of Spain's leading photographers is a cross-cultural and interfaith exploration of what it means to be a man of faith. Throughout the world and in almost every religion there are men who withdraw from the world in order to explore their faith and spirituality, and these photographs offer a series of portraits and scenes of monastic life in countries as different as Spain and Armenia, Eritrea and Nepal. A monk's life is based on spiritual values whose metaphysical element transcends time and space. This collection demonstrates the amazing similarities of monks across the spectrum of faith - whether Catholic, Eastern Orthodox, Hindu or Buddhist. The monasteries featured include: Mount Athos, Greece; Koya San, Japan; La Oliva, Spain; Kumbh, India; Mont Saint Michel, France; Kopan, Nepal; Sera, Tibet; Saidnaya, Syria; Geghard, Armenia; Decani, Kosovo; and Pechory, Russia.