Third Edition
Many young Australians and New Zealanders choose to head overseas for a working holiday before they settle down. The chosen base for such an adventure is often the UK or, more specifically, London. If you're thinking about undertaking such a venture, there are questions you'll want answered - when should I go? How am I going to travel there? What work is available to me? Where and how will I find a place to live? What kind of lifestyle can I expect?
This revised, updated edition helps to answer these questions. You'll find tips on budgeting, packing, temporary and permanent accommodation and even a checklist in the preplanning section. There are lists of employment agencies, contact details, website addresses as well as information on the various occupations available to working holidaymakers, describing both what to expect and how to go about setting up a temporary existence.
This edition includes current data on the revised EU regulations and visas as well as hints on how to use the Internet as a travel, planning and employment resource.