Updated edition ofthis essential guide to maximizing quality of life for dementia sufferers. Worldwide, over 45 million people suffer with dementia. Forevery person with dementia, their family and carers face the decision of howbest to care for them. Live and Laughwith Dementia is all about how to make life with dementia as positive aspossible - to maximize quality of life for all concerned. Just as we need to exercise our body's muscles to keep themstrong, flexible and working well, so too do we need to exercise our mentalmuscles (our brain) to strengthen and maintain our neural capabilities. Bytailoring activities to suit the needs and abilities of dementia patients, wecan help them to: , *maintain their relationships with others , *maintain their self-identity , *slow the decline of mental function by providing physical and mental stimulation , *stave off boredom , *experience happiness and pleasure. Live and Laugh withDementia also addresses our attitudes towards dementia and caring for thosewith dementia. This updated edition draws on case studies andclinical research to present a wide range of tips and activities that are easyto understand and implement. It supports and inspires carers to buildtheir relationship with the person with dementia and provide meaningful,engaging and tailored activities. Tips for people with mild dementia areincluded, to empower them to be active and keep control of their lives as muchas possible.